Monday 21 March 2011

Image 1

I took this photograph on a holiday in Valencia 2010. I thought the row of palm trees along with the shadows on the pavement gave it really great composition and the angle it is taken shows this well. The warm tones to the photograph give you the sense of summer and being on holiday again. This is one of my favourite images simply because of this.
Palm Trees in Valencia

Image 2

I took this image in a back garden. I wanted to try and capture the wind chime along with the noises it was making, as if you could almost hear it by looking at the photograph. I used the largest aperture i could get on my camera to give it a really shallow depth of field, so that the only thing in focus would be the chimes. The tones are really subtle which i really like and also the way the background almost has a pixel effect works well.

Image 3

This was taken on a 5 by 4 medium format camera for a 'Revisiting Classics' College project. After being given the task to re-make a photograph by Cecil Beaton in a group of three we decided to use an image he had taken of Marilyn Monroe. We then scanned the final negatives into the computers and converted and edited the using Photoshop. I decided to also add a hint of colour to my final edit as I think it works well and I was really happy with how it turned out.
Cecil Beaton Marilyn Monroe Re-make

Image 4

I found this abandoned trolley on a walk home and thought it would make quite an interesting photograph. I really liked how it wasn't just left it had been knocked over, either on purpose or by accident in the wind. This makes it really mysterious. I also added to this effect in Photoshop by brightening up the trolley and the area around it and darkening everywhere else.

Image 5

This was taken as part of a set for a project called 'Fashion on Location'. We were given the task to photograph 5 different locations for 5 different publications then choose which one we wanted to go back to with a model. I chose the women's weekly magazine and the location I visited was the back of a restaurant called 'The Saxon Mill'. This was one of my final set of images and one of my favourites. I really like the natural tones to the image and the way my model looks relaxed. The composition worked really well with the wall and the bushes etc surrounding her almost working as a border and leading your eye to her. I think this really exaggerates the clothes she is wearing which was the whole idea as it was a fashion shoot and i was really pleased with it as a whole.

Image 8

This image was taken along with four others for a college project 'Specialist Location'. I had to create images and edit them using Adobe Photoshop as if they would be stills used for a movie set, without the actors. The idea behind this photograph was a thriller movie such as The Dark Knight. I found an old abandoned garage area which was really eerie and I really enjoyed editing my images to make them look even more glowing and spooky. I really like the old tatty look to the garage on the left and how they were both at an angle to eachother, with bushes surrounding them, the composition was great. I decided to darken everywhere other than the garages to make them stand out. I think this adds to the spookiness of a thriller or horror film. I also really liked the red glow this image seems to have, it makes certain areas stand out alot more.

Image 6

This image is part of a set again for the 'Specialist Location' project but this time these were for a romance movie scene, such as 'When Harry Met Sally'. It was a really sunny day when I took these images and this was one of my favourites as I really liked the reflections in the water and the way the arch of the bridge works as a border. I exaggerated the warm tones using Photoshop to add to the romantic feel, and I think this worked well.
Canal Bridge