Monday 21 March 2011

Image 8

This image was taken along with four others for a college project 'Specialist Location'. I had to create images and edit them using Adobe Photoshop as if they would be stills used for a movie set, without the actors. The idea behind this photograph was a thriller movie such as The Dark Knight. I found an old abandoned garage area which was really eerie and I really enjoyed editing my images to make them look even more glowing and spooky. I really like the old tatty look to the garage on the left and how they were both at an angle to eachother, with bushes surrounding them, the composition was great. I decided to darken everywhere other than the garages to make them stand out. I think this adds to the spookiness of a thriller or horror film. I also really liked the red glow this image seems to have, it makes certain areas stand out alot more.

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