Monday 21 March 2011

Image 10

This image was taken for an AS Level project. I was given the word 'Hidden' and this had to be my project title so i came up with a series of photographs of a young girl hiding in different groggy places, as if she was running away from something or trying to hide from something/someone but we would never find out the truth. This photo was taken in a garden shed, i wanted it to look like a deserted place and to make the model look scared i told her to hold a blanket and almost hide behind it. The reason i chose this as a final image was because i really liked the way she is staring into the lens, it almost makes the audience thinks she is staring at her and you wonder what she is thinking. I chose to have these images in black and white because i wanted to keep the focus on the content of the image rather than the colour and i think this works alot better.

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